Digital Upgrowth


Market research before launching a product 2021!

When it comes to business growth and developing your business, niche clarity paves the way for market research. Just having an idea for your business does not work. One needs to understand and observe the market. Examining whether people are ready to pay and if people are interested in your products and services is of utmost importance before starting your business journey. The saying that we cannot understand unless we execute a sure thing stands so true in this context. Simultaneously, it is also essential to evaluate the market trends for your products. Nowadays, traditional marketing has changed to digital marketing and conventional shops to ecommerce, so it becomes necessary to serve the market trends closely. What is market research? Market research is the process of gathering, collecting and analyzing and interpreting data regarding your business\’s target market, audience, consumers and competitors as well. It is an organized effort to collect and analyze information about the specific demand for your product and services, targeting a particular group of consumers. Market research is a significant factor in maintaining competitiveness and forms an essential aspect of your business development. Market research is the systematic gathering and interpretation of information related to your specific product or service, including opinion and social research. It signifies collecting information about any organizations and their individuals through analytical techniques and statistical methods of the applied social sciences to receive insights and gain clarity in decision-making processes. Market research deals specifically with markets and distribution. Also Read: How to get leads for your yoga business Why is market research necessary? Market research helps a business identify and analyze its needs and requirements and provides it with the actual market size and competition. The techniques which market research includes are both quantitative and qualitative methods. While the quantitative methods of conducting market research consist of customer surveys and secondary data analysis, the qualitative methods to conduct proper market research include focus groups, in-depth interviews, and even ethnography. Conducting market research before launching a product helps to provide critical information and insights to one\’s business. It gives a more profound and better understanding of one\’s customers and competitors. Market research helps to understand who is buying your service or product, what encourages them, who is not buying your products or services and why, whether your consumers are loyal to your brand or not, and if not, then why do. These processes help immensely in increased sales gradually over time. Understanding the broader market environment allows a business to identify new opportunities. As the market trends change regularly, it is vital to research regular intervals to understand and execute the new ways by which one can significantly improve in offering the desired and required products and services to the customers, which bases on the changing preferences and market dynamics. How to conduct market research before launching a product? There are a few but important steps which a business or company must consider before launching a new product or service into the market, and they are as follows: Recognize your market along with your competitors: It helps you upgrade your business plans and help you deliver better products and services for your consumers. Target your consumers and audience: A selective group of consumers gives a business definition and clarity about what the consumers want, which leads a business to further design and deliver products according to the customers\’ demand. Plan and stand out with your uniqueness: Debate on the questions as to why a consumer will buy your products or pay for your service, analyzing your unique factor, which makes you stand out among your competitors and gives you the upper hand in selling your goods. At the same time, it also helps massively in demonstrating your business\’s market presence and dominance. Decide on your marketing strategies and approaches: Now that you have got quite an idea about your products and services discuss and determine your marketing strategies. Choose your processes to reach your consumers and via what medium you will connect with them. Examine your product and your customers\’ overall approach towards it: Test your services and products before launching it and conduct tests to examine what the consumers or target customers think about your product. Simultaneously, it also saves a lot of unnecessary work, costs, efforts and resources. Create and design your marketing campaign: Decide and craft your business advertisements and promotions of your new product or service. Advertising and promoting what you have to serve is a sure shot way to reach your target customers and get insights into their overall experience with the advertisements and what they expect from your products or services. Closely check how your products resonate with your customers and their overall lifecycle: A product or service requires constant change, modifications and improvements after its launch. It loses its presence and value drastically from the customers. Keeping an eye on the ever-changing market trends helps immensely keep up with the competition and encase new business ideas and opportunities. Also read: Find your niche in simple steps Three significant benefits of conducting market research before launching a product! Reduced business costs: Investing in conducting market research in the initial stages of business, i.e., before launching a product, leads to a significant reduction in its overall expenses or business. While conducting market research, the phases of production, how the consumers feel when they come in touch with the company\’s advertisements, their honest and productive feedback on the quality, quantity, designs and packaging of products play a significant role in reducing the problems and costs of a business. Better customer feedback: Conducting proper and well-balanced market research, highlighting all essential processes of your products is highly crucial. Before launching a consequence, market research allows a business or company to connect with its target audience or customers. Hence, it receives deep and thorough insights into the products and services it is trying to sell. This feedback of the consumers helps immensely for a business to grow. New ideas

Find your niche by this simple steps !

It is rightly said that having a niche is the ticket to success. Your Niche gives you the upper hand in your professional front and makes you stand out among your colleagues and plenty of others. It not only gives you satisfaction but also lets you enjoy your work while you are at it. Your Niche ensures you from making wrong career choices and helps you choose wisely when it comes to your career, work or business. Since knowing what your Niche is, finding it and understanding why it is important, is a complete game-changer in today\’s world, here\’s everything you need to know about your Niche. What is your Niche? A niche is simply a job or role that suits you perfectly. Niche is something, which makes a person feel that they are completely and best suited for it and it is mostly a job, an activity, a service you are extremely talented at and do it effortlessly with ease. Niche is something you are passionate about, and of course, it is unique to each person. It\’s a knack for something, which does not let you sleep at night. Niche is a burning passion within you to do or achieve something. Niche is a problem-solving approach. People struggle to find and work on their Niche because they don\’t understand it and because it doesn\’t resonate with them. Niche is anything, which is strongly your approach. A specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service is defined as Niche. Niche is something which you can do dedicatedly, without even getting a paycheck. Your Niche should answer yours why. It should be the reason as to \”why\” you wish to do something. Your Niche should be your Ikigai, meaning it should be the flat spot of your passion, potential, profession and mission. People are mostly clueless when it comes to finding their Niche since they don\’t really know what Niche means and therefore cannot understand it. How to find your Niche? To find your Niche, your knack, you need first to understand what exactly Niche means and once you are clear on that, finding your Niche won\’t take much effort. There are certain ways to find their Niche, which will eventually help you in the long run of your career, work or business. Steps to find your niche: First and foremost, list down all the things which you are passionate about, the things which are your unique abilities, your strengths and at which you are extremely good. Now once you have reviewed your specific area of interest and passion, make sure to ask your close ones since they can give you appropriate answers as to what you\’re good at. Narrow all of it down to what you love to do. Pinpoint the thing which you absolutely love to do and which energizes you immensely while doing it. Niche is doing something for which you are not running after money. Your goal is to do your work, your Niche, and not get the monthly paychecks. You won\’t care for money when you have found your Niche. All you will care for is the activity, the job or the thing [Niche] which you\’re doing. And it\’s the best way to check whether it is your Niche or not. Doing proper research on your Niche and learning in detail about it is an important step in finding your Niche. You are passionate about many things, but not everything you like is your Niche, which makes this process a necessary one. Conducting market research and searching deeply in the various competitions in your Niche field is a must. Being aware of the potential risks and competitions in your Niche helps immensely while working out on it. Identifying and focusing your services or products on the targeted audience who will mostly buy your services and products forms the next step of finding your Niche. It not only gets you loyal consumers but also relieves a lot of unnecessary workload and stress. Now Directing the traffic of the targeted audience to your websites or social media channels comes next. Focusing on increasing the traffic into your business or work website and online channels while growing your reach to more and more consumers both online and offline is very important. Doing proper evaluation and testing your Niche, refining, and polishing is another way to test whether what you\’re doing is your Niche or not. Developing your business and brand name and advertising is one of the last stages of finding your Niche. Publicising your brand name among your target audience and customers will give your business or work a kickstart. Lastly, growing further, scaling up your business or work within the particular and selected field of your Niche will ensure a long way down the road. Why is finding your Niche important? Recognising and finding your Niche is of utmost importance as that\’s what will ensure a successful career and work life. One cannot stand longer in any profession or field if they don\’t enjoy their work And in today\’s competitive world, working and giving your very best in whatever job or business you do is highly required. Having a niche saves you unnecessary emotional baggage and work-related stress since you enjoy doing your work. Finding your Niche is important as it also saves much of your effort and money along with manual labour and resources, which you would have probably wasted while searching for jobs or employment to earn your living. Your Niche gives you the upper hand in your work or business and makes you stand out among the crowd; it gives you a sense of security while working with your teammates and employees or dealing with clients and customers. It helps you focus and grow yourself in the field you specialise in. Finding your Niche helps you to work with like-minded people, which further eases your work. Because by offering and providing a specific product or service which you


Hundreds and thousands of people daydream about starting their businesses, but do they? As incredible as it might seem, yet starting your dream business requires sufficient knowledge, necessary methods, and staying up to date in the field.While there are loads and lots of information on the internet on how to start a business, not everything on business is easily understandable. With the ever-changing times, having a clear idea about your business gives you the upper hand. From picking up a suitable business location to deciding what business you want to do, from getting your business registered legally to branding your name and advertising your business, there are numerous things that one needs to be careful of while starting their businesses.And amidst so much information available at our fingertips, it\’s normal to feel lost at times. Well, we got you. Here is everything you need to know to start your dream business. ● Deciding on the idea of your business. ● Making a good business plan. ● Gathering much experience. ● Conducting sufficient market research for your business. ● Preparing your business plan well. ● Looking out for good partnerships in business, if any. ● Arranging capital and funds for your business. ● Analyzing your finances. ● Choosing an appropriate location for your business. ● Picking a firm business structure. ● Deciding and picking target customers for the business. ● Labeling and naming your business nicely. ● Having your business website. ● Legally registering your business. ● Tax registration. ● Getting permits, licenses, and copyrights of the business. ● Getting a business bank account ready. ● Having an insurance policy. ● Carefully choosing teammates and coworkers. ● Advertising and publicizing your business. ● Checking on government schemes for businesses. What is your \”Why\”?  You have thought of creating your business, dreaming of the ever-growing success, and what you will do once you reach the top. But did you ask yourself, as to \”why\” so? Hundreds and thousands of people dream of starting their business, yet only a handful of them can do so. Some start and then stop midway, while some are too scared even to start. And then there are those few people who start and accomplish their dream in practical terms. Do you know why? Because it all begins with a single and straightforward \”why\”. Before planning your business, before executing your plans and starting away, be it a small or huge one, online or off the media, you need to know why you are starting all this.  Every grand business tycoon we see and know of today\’s world has one thing in standard, irrespective of their different fields and markets. That is, they have found them \”why.\” They know exactly why they want to run a business overcoming all the difficulties. They have the mission and wish to achieve, the very reason which is the seed of all great companies, and that is what makes them to where they are today – the top of the world. So before you start thinking about beginning your own business, make sure why you want to do it in the first place.   Is that your \”Niche\”?  Your niche in general and literary terms means a job or, somewhat more precisely, a role that suits you. Something which you do effortlessly, something which you do swiftly, something which makes you feel like you were born to do it. That is your niche, and that can be anything. A specific task, a particular job, thing, or activity, for which you are passionate about, makes your soul happy, filling you up from within as you love what you do and enjoy doing it that is what your niche looks like. It can start with a shared hobby like painting, music, dance, arts, literature and move to something more specific like designing a particular type of fabrics, a video game which you want to craft, a restaurant that serves a special handcrafted dish, just anything.  And while you are at it, know that, while doing that job, you not only feel happy and joyful but also leaves you content and satisfied, since the outcome that comes as a result of your niche serves people in many ways possible. That is what a place is, a catalyst that will make your random business bloom magnificently and why you should recognize it before starting your dream business. Have you found your Ikigai?  While it is a renowned word in today\’s world, yet for those who are dealing with \”Ikigai\” for the first time, Ikigai comes from the Japanese roots, derived from two Japanese words \”Ikiru\” meaning \”to live\” and \”Kai\” meaning \”the sensation of what hopes for \”. Ikigai means \”a reason to live.\” Ikigai means the \”very purpose of your life \”. In the Japanese culture, everyone has his/her Ikigai. While some find their Ikigai real soon in life, yet some others need a little push and nudge to guide them onto their way of Ikigai. And for that, there are four little questions; 1. What do you love?  Meaning, what are you passionate about. It intends you to recognize your true passion.  2. What are you good at?  Meaning, what are your vocational skills. This nudges you to find and polish your skills, your different abilities.  3. What can you be paid for?  Meaning what can be turned into your profession. It refers to the work which you can do efficiently using your skills and capabilities and get paid rightly for it.  4. What does the world need from you?  Meaning what is your mission in life. It asks you to find your mission, your true motive, your life path, which will serve not only the world but also benefit you.  When your passion, vocation, profession, and mission meet together, you find your Ikigai. And that takes you to the most proper place in your life, where you are satisfied with yourself and help the world and others around you in numerous ways.  Why do you


“We need women’s representation that reflects all women and girls in all their diversity and abilities, and across all cultural, social, economic and political situations. This is the only way we will get the real societal change that incorporates women in decision-making as equals and benefits us all.” Statement by Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka, UN Womenxecutive Director, on International Women’s Day 2021. We need to ask this question to ourselves and society. “When is a woman truly empowered?” Hello Womenpreneurs!  Taking about women empowerment without talking about their financial independence makes the word Empowerment a myth. Welcome to the world of financial independence. Never before in the history of humanity were so many opportunities as today in this era of Digitalization. Online platforms have made it possible for women today to reach the world, start a new business or upscale their existing businesses, create their identities through personal branding of their services. It is time to uplift your financial status and take a step further towards your financial independence. We at Digital Upgrowth believe women empowerment can be achieved in the true sense only if they are financially empowered. Financial independence brings self-worth, dignity and self-respect. This, in turn, helps women to take effective and critical decisions in their lives.  So ladies, let us gear up and take control of our lives. We are here to help you start and accelerate your Business through Digitalization. 5- step guide to starting your online Business in 2021: Finding your Niche Do Market Research on the Niche Chosen Building your customer Avatar around the niche Develop a Digital Asset, Start building the Website Build your own substantial social media visibility Boundaries of work have crossed offices, hi-tech structures and eliminated the need to travel to build a successful business. Yes, you can now own a successful business at the comfort of your home. This is a significant breakthrough; the online market has given us, and you can tap this immense opportunity to build your brand. Digital Upgrowth will help you to build a brand through our services of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Advertising, Responsive Web Design, Email Marketing, Content Marketing and Lead Generation. Please visit our Website,, to know more about these digital marketing services. A most important question to ask yourself is if you are self-sufficient to cover all your expenses with your assets or depend on other people’s money. If not, then you need to start your Business. If yes, then it is time for you to upscale your business, generate leads, attract customers worldwide and focus on building your brand. Digital Upgrowth is committed to providing all help, from finding your niche to starting a new business. As our mission says: “We are on a mission to help 1,00,000 womenpreneurs build their businesses online. We aspire to make every Business a profit-making model with our plan of action.” If you own a business and want to grow your sales through marketing hacks, then read the key points given below to help you understand the shift in marketing strategies in this era of Digitalization and Globalization. Irrespective of the Change, there are some essential Rules of Marketing which doesn’t change in any era. Essential Rules of Marketing: The products and services should be high quality  After Sales Service- To ensure whether customers are happy after using the products and services, the after-sales service helps companies stand out from their competitors. Lower Prices or Penetration Prices- Lowering the price is a Strategy that helps the companies penetrate the market due to its affordability. Building Personal Brand- For ex- Elon Musk, people know more about Elon musk then about tesla. Customization and Innovation – One must continuously evolve along with the market and keep on customizing and adapting new methods and techniques to serve the customers. I hope these key points have empowered your marketing strategies. Please refer to our Website,, to know more about these marketing hacks in details.  We understand that as a woman, you are multitasking, and it is not always possible to focus on all aspects. So, we are here to take care of the marketing aspect you’re your Business. Please mail us at or visit our Website,, to know more about our digital marketing services. Digital Upgrowth identifies women’s Empowerment as a priority and integrates women’s Empowerment into our core business activities.  Our founder ‘Dimpi Agarwal’ is on a mission to help 1,00,000 womenpreneurs become Independent and grow their Business online. For the past 10+ years, she has been working and experimenting with different approaches and tactics. Out of which some has failed, and some has worked wonders, and based on experience, she could say  A business model based only on making money will not sustain longer; instead, a business with a clear goal and mission is a driving force to succeed. Hence, At digital upgrowth, we work from the ground level, understand the core principles of starting a business and then supporting it to reach the end goal, which makes it UNIQUE. Conclusion – Women Empowerment comes when women pay their taxes and contribute to economic growth. Women Empowerment is when they are Independent concerning thoughts, actions and decisions. Women are Empowered when they take control of their life. Hence, the only way Women can attain Empowerment is when they aspire to lead , empower the Business and become a role model for others. What are your thoughts? Do email us at We would be happy to listen to you.

Step by Step guide on Digital Marketing 2021

Let\’s dive deep and find something Interesting about – what is Digital Marketing? The history and Evolution of Digital Marketing How to scale up the business ? The future of Digital Marketing? Do you know? According to the statistical data, almost 60 % of the world’s population spend time online. Gradually, by the end of 2022, the graph would rise up to 75%. According to the recent survey, companies get 57% of the sales through Blogging and Digital marketing and 81 % of the population search online to buy any product. Voila! Is this a small number? Absolutely No. Now, you must be wondering how suddenly the bubble of digital marketing has started? The answer is simple Digitalization and Globalization. Hence, we can see the potential the online platforms have when it comes to marketing and selling. Upscaling the business through Digital Marketing is the only way to succeed in this 21st century. Because It’s the only means to connect. The best example is to remember the world during the pandemic. Lets’ start with understanding What is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing means marketing through digital platforms like social media, Emails, and other gadgets . Digital marketing encompasses all the electronic device to leverage the digital channels like Website, Social media platforms, Search engine optimization, Email marketing and so on. Now, we wonder from where has the concept of digitalization evolved? The History and Evolution of Digital Marketing. The concept of Digital Marketing started in the year 1990 when the web 1.0 was developed to help users find out the necessary information. However, users did not have the platform to share their information. People were apprehensive about how far will the system will go. in 1993, hotwired has started promoting through banner ads which started the beginning of digital marketing. In 1994 yahoo was launched. in 1996 Alexa, HotBot search Engine were launched. Professional sites like LinkedIn came in the 2002. We were introduced to Gmail in the year 2004. Then the next big thing has happened Facebook, and Google went live which has revolutionize the whole Digital era. We were expose to WhatsApp, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram later. Now, we are in the digital era where we can rule the world sitting at home. Do you know how has companies evolved after Digital Transformation? Have you heard about The Home Depot – The company has adopted the Digital platforms since 2017 and hence, the stock value has risen From $135 to $215. One more example is Nike –  Nike is accelerating into digital platforms to meet consumer demand. According to the data, Nike has reported 75% increase in Digital sales through adopting direct digital platforms for digital marketing. Why Is Digital Marketing Important? When we talk about Traditional marketing back in 1990’s to the digital marketing happening right now, we can see the consumer buying behaviour has changed. Marketing has evolved and so has the spending patterns of our customers. Look at this table and tell me what changes could you see when you compare the transformation of Digital verses Traditional Marketing. Looking at the chart we can understand how switching to Digital is helping us in many ways. Affordability – People can afford Digital Platforms as compare to traditional ones because the amount of cost involved in the marketing organically and paid ones are lower than any other banner, tv’s commercials ads. Better Reach – With over and above 84% of the people online, spending time in scrolling ,learning, listening podcast, shopping, one can have expect larger set of audience to target, remarket, send emails to this people and target them. Hence, digital marketing has helped in choosing and targeting the right audience. Understanding buyers persona –   Digital platforms gives us the flexibility to choose any platform which can be easily accessible by our potential buyers.   For example – We can easy track where our clients are spending their time on – like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. Hence, Accordingly, the ads can be created and targeted , eventually leads to conversions. Direct interaction – One can reach and have direct interaction with their customers. This help to gain trust from customers perspective and establishes a long term relationship. Build Personal Branding – Due to the digital era building a brand for the company is much easier and important. Writing blogs, Sharing good quality information and promoting in the Social media has an leverage for the company to build Brands for themselves. Personal branding is the next Big thing. Let’s understand some of  the Components of Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is a deep topic, We cannot dive in details but we can share take a sneak peek into all. Search Engine Optimization Google ads Facebook Ads Affiliate Marketing Email Marketing Inbound marketing Marketing Automation Content Marketing Graphic Designing Search Engine Optimization- SEO is the method of ranking top at the google, through unpaid strategies. It’s the process of optimizing the content so that search engine shows the content at the top via keyword Research Google Ads– Google Ads are the paid ads which shows on the searches of the Google search engine. There are two sections of the paid links on Google . One is paid and the other is a natural one(SEO). Facebook Ads– Running ads on Facebook to accelerate the traffic, conversion of the business. We run Facebook ads to get make our content visible, or look for conversions, get more engagement , likes on the Facebook page. This is a means to create awareness about our brand. Email Marketing– Using emails as a means to send messages, advertisements to our customers. It’s a means to generate leads and educate our potential customers through our email marketing strategy Market Automation– It is the process of  using the software to repetitively nurture our leads, send personal message and content, which ultimately saves time. This automation helps in saving time and energy and helps in reaching the messages to our potential customers. Inbound Marketing– It’s the authentic form of marketing

Grow your Sales through Marketing hacks

WIN THE MARKET AND BECOME A MARKETING HACKER AS EVERYWHERE – do you want to grow your sales through, Do you want to become a GREAT MARKETER and dominate the market? Voila! This article is for you. We are in the digital era, where everything is just a call away Want to get anything delivered at your doorstep. Want to binge eat while watching Netflix. Want to reach anywhere without hassle. Want to enhance your skills, sitting at the comfort of your couch. Understanding the Marketing hacks are vital. Hence, This guide will help you to understand profoundly. The Fundamentals of Marketing The Importance of Digital Marketing over Traditional marketing Different Marketing Funnel — CATT Integrated Marketing Approach Personal Branding #Masstrust and many more. Alors, Read it with patience until the end And become a PRO in Marketing. First, Let’s understand What is marketing? And how the digital era is impacting the marketing strategies which have been followed for decades ? In simple words, \”The business of promoting and selling products or services to provide value and meet the demands of the market need\”. In today’s digital era, Marketing has evolved due to change in DIGITALISATION and GLOBALIZATION. Now, Let’s understand the change – Irrespective of the Change, there are top notch Rules of Marketing which doesn’t change in any era and helps to WIN the market. Some pragmatism rules are – The products and services should be high quality – Providing quality products gain customer satisfaction and loyalty. Initially to create brand awareness, It’s important to follow some marketing practices but ensuring the premium quality products is the only key to success . Maintaining the quality, spreads the information about the brand fast and this helps to retain the customers in the long run. For example — when we think about gadgets , the only name that comes to our mind is << Apple>>. When we think about ordering online it’s none other than <<Amazon >> Now, This is the level of loyalty and trust it has on its customers because of its high quality products and services. After Sales service – Now, to ensure whether customers are happy after using the products and services , the after sales service helps companies to stand out from the competitors. Amazon is the best example of after sales service. Customers have all the leverage to return the products in 10 days and get the payment. LOWER PRICES OR PENETRATION PRICES – Lowering the price is a Strategy that helps the companies to penetrate the market due to its affordability of prices. For example — IKEA the world’s largest retailers entered the market with extremely low margins, and is dominating the Furniture industry. However, it’s not the only strategy that is enough to build customers’ trust, the company shouldn’t compromise on the quality of the product as well. Hence, IKEA has attained the pioneer due to its price without compromising on the quality. BUILDING PERSONAL BRAND – Companies building a personal brand for oneself, helps in selling the product easily. Along with building an elite product, if companies work on positioning themselves , it helps to attract more customers through building loyalty. People do businesses with people, not with the company. Hence, if the company shares authentic story of its journey, People can connect with the brand and ultimately builds #masstrust For ex- Elon Musk, people know more about Elon musk then about tesla. CUSTOMISATION AND INNOVATION – One has to evolve constantly along with the market and keep on customizing and adapting new methods and techniques to serve the customers. If a company doesn’t follow early adaptation and Innovation, it can completely wipe off from the market. The example — Nokia one of the biggest brand in the 2008, but because apple and android dominated the market though different features like touch-screen, Nokia couldn’t compete in the market and hence, it’s completely disappear. People prefer Apple and Android over Nokia because of the Innovation and early adaptation of the market strategy. I’m sure you must have understood the basic strategies of marketing which every company follows. Now, let’s understand DIGITAL MARKETING and TRADITIONAL MARKETING Digital marketing means advertising through different marketing channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and using different marketing funnels such as SEO, paid ads to promote and sell the goods and services. In other words using all the online platforms and the electronic gadgets to endorse the goods and services. On the other hand, Traditional marketing means using the old conventional way of marketing such as newspaper ads, TV, Flyers, Hoarding , Bulletins, Magazines, etc. to reach the customers in order to sell the product Traditional marketing Vs Digital Marketing But with the Increase in Globalization and digitalization, people have moved from TRADITIONAL MARKETING to DIGITAL MARKETING. However, the debate of digital marketing over traditional marketing is, Digital marketing is the new future, and the sooner people adapt to the new change, it becomes easier to expand the horizon and dominate the market. The advantageous like – Starting at an extremely low cost. Helping in finding target audience and reaching them. Helping in creating brand Recognition. Global reach. Helping in understanding the requirements of the potential customers and taking quick actions. Importance in all the stages of the business — A startup, small business, Big businesses. Digital marketing has all the prerequisite advantages in this Digital era to make it a WIN WIN situation. After Understanding Digital Marketing, Let’s dive into the source of WEALTH. Now, What is the ultimate outcome from business? It’s the wealth. Right? So, When I say wealth is directly proportional to n^CATT. What is n^CATT ? let’s understand in details – n stands for niche. Niche (n) — niche is choosing a product or service to start the business. It is the fundamental foundation of any business. There are thousands of niches. Choosing a niche helps people to become proficient and choose an expertise in one particular direction. For example — If someone is passionate about solo travelling, hence can start blogging about