What is a landing page? Benefits and different types of landing page.

We have discussed several essential things in our previous blog posts. But today\’s blog is exceptional. Why? Because here, we discuss one of the secret game changers in digital marketing. And that can only be a landing page. So then let\’s scroll down and learn what a landing page is, why they are used, the various types of landing page and the benefits they provide us. So here we go. What is a Landing Page? A landing page refers to a web page on which consumers land. But in digital marketing, the landing page is a standalone page. And it\’s different from homepage or others that serve a focused or single purpose. The landing page is a follow-up page to any claims which you make in your content. Mostly, it\’s the next step to visit your customer. The landing page allows you to make a trade—any special offer or a piece of information. And a deal in return for sharing contact information. Landing pages can be of different types. And they mostly click through in nature. Landing pages lead to another page like an e-commerce site or lead generations. The lead generation landing pages offer free goodies mainly. And they are usually free trials, ebooks, webinar registration or contest entries. And all these offers are in exchange for submitting contact information. A decent landing page does its job by convincing a potential buyer that it\’s worth providing contact details in exchange for what you offer. You can find landing pages via a general search. And also, through your company website, this increases the likelihood that a potential buyer ends there. There is no need to have only one landing page or one at a time. Marketing experts suggest that maintaining multiple landing pages is good because it targets segmented customer populations. Also read: What is Email Marketing? The Different Types of Landing pages. As a general rule, using landing pages enables you to complete a post-click sequence with a dedicated page that shows the visitor they have landed in the right place. Busy homepages or product pages have the potential to muddy the waters. In contrast, landing pages make it very clear what outcome will result from the visitor\’s click-through. By making a landing page, you refine and improve your visitor interaction and increase conversion chances. You also ensure that you get more from your PPC spend – you\’ve already paid for this click, and a landing page helps you make it worth your while. You can increase the possibility of conversions even further by ensuring that you use the right kind of landing page. Let\’s take a look at the landing page varieties and why they are used. A landing page is specific and focused. And it offers only one straightforward call to action. There are 8 different types of landing pages. 1. Click-through landing page A click-through landing page does not require a form at all. And it is a straightforward communicator between your advertisement and the page to which you want to direct your consumers. For instance, a click-through landing page links an ad to a shopping cart. Also, it requires only a short and straightforward explanation of what the viewer finds by clicking and a robust and unmistakable call to action with a link to their final destination. Let\’s see some examples of Click-through landing pages. 1. Moz Pro 2. Norton Antivirus 2. Lead generation landing page A lead-generation landing page is also known as a lead capturing landing page. It intends to collect information via means of a data capture form. The lead generation pages are very versatile. Yet, they are used in the middle of the sales funnel mainly. The center of the sales funnel is the point where consumers evaluate your offers. And they are on the verge of moving towards the intent to either convert or walk away. The lead capturing landing page presents a request as well as a reward simultaneously. However, the prize is the special offer that you promote to capture leads. And then the request is the information you ask for in exchange for it. Yet, both the demand and reward shall be well balanced. Whatever you offer or advertise shall be worthy for the buyer to share contact details. And then get added to your mailing list eventually. example; 3. Sales page The sales page is usually the most difficult to design. With a sales page, you no longer prospect for leads as the sales page is what you use right at the bottom of the sales funnel. And it needs to convince people to buy, which is a different proposition to a simple request and reward combo. The creation of a sales page, from the copy to design, demands a touch of delicacy. And also a total understanding of your buyers\’ needs. And the position in their sales journey. You can sell too hard at this point which turns your client away. Or you can undersell, which loses your client as well. The length of the sales page depends primarily on your product. And also on how much you shall write to explain the product\’s value to your buyers. There needs to be a detailed pitch that demonstrates this value regardless of the length. And to get buyers to click that button and complete their purchases. Example: Digital Marketer 4. Squeeze page A squeeze page is mainly used to collect data. It is employed near the top of the sales funnel usually. And the only goal is to gather email addresses to add potential leads to your mailing list. Squeeze pages are basic landing pages, short with minimal content and bold headlines. An on-point call to action confirms the viewer as to what to expect from that click-through page. There must also be a link to take the viewer to the next step and an exit button if the viewer does not wish to proceed further. Example: 5. Viral landing pages The Viral landing page